I know that New England is likely the least anti-Semitic part of the US, and because our cause is based in RI, we didn't thoroughly research other areas in the US. I'm really horrified to think of the kinds of anti-Semitic behaviors occur in the South, which my parents have always warned me about (if I were ever to go there). It sounds stereotypical to judge, but I know that the South is highly Christian and doesn't take kindly to Jews. The clip from Borat that I posted on our Ning site proves that (Throw the Jew Down the Well sing-a-long).
What really knocked me out was the intense anti-Semitic behavior in the Middle East, due to Israel and the Palestinian conflict. Man, they really really hate those Jews. I'm going to Israel in two weeks to see it for myself, and I'm so glad I had to opportunity to prep myself before my trip. I won't be seeing with ignorant eyes, for sure.
I don't feel that I can really defend or pass judgement on what goes on in the Middle East because the situation is so fucked up and has been for so long that I am in no place to point fingers. What does sadden me is the intense hatred and lies being spread about a group I belong to, the false claims made about the evilness of Jews and their lust for power and control of the world. I know that's wrong. I'm glad I made this my cause.
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